Defending the New Mexico Outdoor Equity Fund


Nuestra Tierra opposes Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's attempt to move the New Mexico Outdoor Equity Fund from the Economic Development Department to the new oversight of the Tourism Department instead. Nuestra Tierra urges the administration to keep the New Mexico Outdoor Equity Fund under the Economic Development Department to ensure that the fund continues prioritizing outdoor equity and New Mexico's low-income youth and community-based outdoor nonprofits.

 The two departments have distinct missions that influence our stance. While the Economic Development Department focuses on improving economic opportunities for New Mexico families, the Tourism Department focuses on promoting tourism and visitation to the state. We want to make sure the program is managed and expanded with that clear mission and does not get swept up in other initiatives to promote the state’s growing outdoor recreation industry. The Outdoor Recreation Division ought to remain under the Economic Development Department's oversight so it can continue its work of promoting outdoor equity for the benefit of New Mexico’s communities. 


Nuestra Tierra wants to continue communicating the importance of keeping the New Mexico Outdoor Equity Fund under the oversight of the Economic Development Department as well as to engage elected officials and the public to rally support for keeping the Outdoor Equity Fund within the department's guidance. We will continue:

  • Advocating for its retention under the Economic Development Department, ensuring that the fund remains dedicated to supporting our most underserved youth and community organizations.

  • Highlight how the mission improves the lives of New Mexico families and increases economic opportunities, showcasing how keeping the division under the department's oversight ensures consistency and better serves local residents. 

  • Engage with elected officials by reaching out to state representatives and other elected officials and share the concerns about the move. Request their support and advocacy to keep the Outdoor Equity Fund within the Economic Development Department and for it to continue benefiting The Land of Enchantment.


The achievements of the Outdoor Equity Fund under the Economic Development Department have been remarkable and have made a tangible impact in our communities. In 2022 alone, this initiative disbursed $800,000 to 48 organizations, enabling over 12,000 children to experience the great outdoors. By maintaining a focus on New Mexico's residents rather than tourists, the fund has become a crucial tool for investing in our state's future. 

However, the proposed shift to the Tourism Department raises concerns that the program's essence might be diluted or overshadowed by other initiatives. The Outdoor Recreation Division needs to remain closely aligned with the Economic Development Department to effectively continue its critical work of promoting outdoor equity and fostering the well-being of New Mexico's communities, as we confront the harsh reality that our state is consistently ranking at the bottom in economic, educational, and health outcomes for our children.

Your support has always been vital to our success, and we are incredibly grateful for your past contributions. With your help, we can protect the New Mexico Outdoor Equity Fund, allowing it to continue transforming the lives of thousands of low-income youth within The Land of Enchantment and strengthening community-based outdoor nonprofits.